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'타이니 리조트(Tiny Resort)' 공식 홈페이지 오픈
Official website of ‘Tiny Resort’ opens
The official website of Tiny Resort has been launched.   Outdoor Leisure Stay, Tiny Resort  offers a new experience  of the outdoor lifestyle as a haven of meditation,  giving you the moment to be one with nature.   Check out the news of Tiny Resort,  which has tiny but infinite possibilities,  on the website! 「Go to the official website of Tiny Resort」       ■ Want to know more about Tiny Resort? - [Article] Chosun Biz | Gansam Co.,Ltd launches outdoor leisure mini-resort brand ‘Tiny Resort’ - [Article] E-Daily | Gansam Co.,Ltd, the designer of ‘Goseong Hwajinpo Resom’... penetrates ‘Wellness’ - [Article] C3KOREA | Gansam Co.,Ltd won IDEA 2024 Grand Prize with ‘Tiny Resort’        
2025 호텔페어 'Hospitality Insight Summit' 연사 참가
Participation as a speaker at the 2025 Hotel Fair ‘Hospitality Insight Summit’
Participation as a speaker at the 2025 Hotel Fair  ‘Hospitality Insight Summit’     Architect Hyosang Lee, head of the Hospitality Design Group at Gansam Co.,Ltd, will participate as a speaker  at the ‘Hospitality Insight Summit 2025’ conference,  which will be held at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul from 12th to 14th February.   This conference, which is held in conjunction with the ‘2025 Hotel Fair,’ will be held under the theme of ‘Spread Hospitality.’  Leaders from various fields including space design, branding, planning, F&B, marketing, and accommodation,  will participate to share their philosophies and visions that will set new standards for customer experience.   Gain insight from the honest stories of people who have created their own standards of calm waves,  causing the flow of hospitality to rise like waves.    Source:MESSE ESANG, PAC       Gansam Co.,Ltd. Hospitality Design Group Head|Architect Hyosang Lee Friday, 14 February|(Session 3) 13:30 - 14:20   The era of recovery travel, redefining the modern wellness resort The world's three major resorts, commonly referred to as Aman,  One & Only, and Six Senses, are actively launching new resorts in Northeast Asia after the pandemic.  Aman, Janu, and Six Senses have already entered neighboring Japan,  and Aman is also considering entering the Korean market..   This trend shows that customers agree with the values of  the resorts that these brands stand for,  along with their preference for luxury resort brands.    It is time for Korean hospitality architecture to fundamentally consider  how it should change to keep up with these changes.
[게재] 월간건축문화 2024년 12월호, 로컬스티치 크리에이터 타운 서교(서교동 공유복합시설)
Featured in Magazine
[Published] December 2024 issue of , Local Stitch, Creator Town, Seogyo (Seogyo-dong Shared Complex)
「Local Stitch, Creator Town, Seogyo (Seogyo-dong Shared Complex)」 was introduced in the December 2024 issue of <Monthly Architecture Culture>.          
한국건축산업대전 2024 'Designs for Living Co.Village' 전시 참가
Participating in Korea Architecture Fair & Festival 2024 ‘Designs for Living Co.Village’ Exhibition
Participating in Korea Architecture Fair & Festival 2024 ‘Designs for Living Co.Village’ Exhibition         Gansam Co.,Ltd, hosted by the Korea Institute of Registered Architects and co-organized by COEX,  will participate in the Korea Architecture Fair & Festival 2024 from October 16 to 18 at Hall B on the first floor of COEX.  This exhibition is themed ‘CONNECT’ and is a place where architects, the architectural community,  and the general public can participate in and share various contents through the connection of ‘architecture.’     Gansam introduces Co.Village, a village building project that has been prepared for a long time  based on the architect's deep thoughts on the architect's social responsibility and role.      Co.Village's goal is to restore life and community through the ‘house’, which is the foundation of society,  and further solve the immediate social problem of regional disappearance.     The Co.Village exhibition prepared by Gansam Co.Ltd. consists of 3 different zones.  Korea Architecture Fair & Festival 2024 Designs for Living Co.Village   Ⅰ. Why Zone Why Zone presents the background of the shared village and a new way of creating villages  which were created by experienced professionals from various fields, including architects,  urban planners, landscape architects, analysts, planners, and operators.  Ⅱ. How Zone How Zone presents how 300 homes and community centers, designed to break away from  the uniform housing reality and to restore individual lives and find a sense of community,  are organically connected and expanded to complete the village. Ⅲ. What Zone
[기사] '고성 화진포 리솜' 설계 맡은 간삼건축…'웰니스' 파고든다
[Article] - Gansam Co.,Ltd, the designer of ‘Goseong Hwajinpo Resom’...penetrates ‘Wellness’
An article on the Goseong Hwajinpo Resom project was published in the E-Daily on October 4, 2024.   [Go to the article]E-daily - Gansam Co.,Ltd launches outdoor leisure mini-resort brand ‘Tiny Resort’       Goseong Hwajinpo Tourism Development Project   【Project overview】 · Site location: 84, Chodo-ri, Hyunnae-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do · Land area: 170,233㎡ · Building area: 51,221.68㎡ · Gross area: 195,295.64㎡ · Building coverage: 30.09% · Floor area ratio: 62.74% · Size: B3F-14F 【Participants】 - Architecture: Hyosang Lee, Myeongryul Lee, Byungsoo Koh, Jinwoo Kim,  Kiwoong Sung, Daeho Jeon, Jihwan Kim, Jihye Kim, Taehoon Kim,  Daeyoung Kim, and Dayeon Lee, Minwoo Kim, Hyunji Choi,  Taewoo Kim, Juwon Jung, Yoonjung Ji, Wonseon Kwon, Jinjae Kim,  Jihan Lee, Jaehee Woo, Jaemin Byun, Chaeun Lee - Landscaping: Yunsang Shin, Yeona Jung, Yoonhee Jang - GDS: Seungyeon Lee, Boyeon Ham, Seyoung Joo, Younghoe Cha - CG: Bongsup Lee, Jungsik Min, Kwangmin Lee, Jinho Yoo, Haesung Kang  
[기사] 코빌리지컴퍼니, 이지스자산운용·GS건설·자이가이스트와 MOU 체결…강원도 고성 스마트타운 코빌리지 개발 사업에 박차
[Article] Co.Village Company signs MOU with IGIS Asset Management, GS E&C, and XiGEIST... to accelerate development of Goseong Smart Town Co.Village in Gangwon-do.
On September 11, 2024, an article about the MOU for the Co.Village project was published in Chosun Biz.   [Go to the article]Chosun Biz - Co.Village Company, IGIS Asset Management, GS E&C, and XiGEIST signed MOU... to accelerate development of Goseong Smart Town Co.Village in Gangwon-do...   Co.Village Online LeafletCo.Village Company Official Website
[기사] "호텔에서 아파트까지…간삼건축, '웰니스 공간' 넓혀갈 것"
[Article] "From hotels to apartments...Gansam Co to expand 'wellness space'"
On July 30, 2024, an interview article with CEO Taesung Kim was published in the E-Daily newspaper.   [Go to the article] E-Daily, "From hotels to apartments...Gansam to expand 'wellness space'"   The 1st Gansam Design Insights Forum (GDIF)Weaving Wellness & Hospitality - Venue: COEX Hall D
[기사] 분당서울대학교병원, 우즈베키스탄에 종합병원 세운다
[Article] Seoul National University Bundang Hospital to build a general hospital in Uzbekistan
On July 1, 2024, an article was published in the Herald Economic newspaper about  「Tashkent General Hospital in Uzbekistan」, the project of Gansam Co.,Ltd.   [Go to the article] Herald Economy - Bundang Seoul National University Hospital to build general hospital  in Uzbekistan   EDCF project contract signing ceremony for Uzbekistan Tashkent General Hospital construction consulting     EDCF competition for the new Tashkent General Hospital, Uzbekistan   【Project overview】     · Site location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan · Land area: 40,000㎡ · Building area: 8,230㎡ · Gross area: 28,400㎡ · Building coverage ratio: 20.58% · Floor area ratio: 59.58% · Scale: B1F-5F   【Participants】 Taesang Lee, cheonhaeng Kim, Won-Il Lee, Boseung Kim, Yeonjoo Kim,  Hyejin Kim, Donghoo Kim, Sohee Kim, Woonghee Kim,  Hongil Noh, Shinwoo Lee  
[당선] 노들 글로벌 예술섬 조성 국제지명 설계공모
[Winner] International design competition for Nodeul Global Arts Island
▴SOUNDSCAPE in Seoul: Nodeulseom, recreated by the combination of art and nature     The work ‘Soundscape’, which Thomas Heatherwick and Gansam Co.,Ltd. worked on, was selected as the final winner in the International design competition for Nodeul Global Arts Island hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. This competition is the first public sector project of the ‘Urban Architecture Design Innovation Plan’ promoted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government with the aim of innovating urban and architectural design. Nodeulseom, which was selected as the first pilot project site, was planned to be developed into a world-class cultural attraction as a ‘new landmark of the Hangang River where nature and art coexist.’ To this end, the Seoul Metropolitan Government invited seven teams of renowned architects from home and abroad in November 2022 to conduct a planning design competition and then held a large-scale citizen forum, a citizen idea contest, and open screening.   In the open screening, Thomas Heatherwick presented the Skywalk canopy as the core design element to recreate Nodeulseom as a place where visitors can feel the culture and energy of Seoul through SOUNDSCAPE. This was designed with inspiration from nature and patterns created by live music, along with dramatic spatial production at different heights.     The Skywalk Canopy evokes the beautiful mountainous terrain of Korea, and the structure was developed in a way that maintains the beauty of Nodeulseom while also being easy to maintain and cost-effective. The aerial garden and walkway created in the canopy are harmoniously connected through the waterside park and various layers of programs on the ground. This connects the active place on the west side with the static and natural place on the east side, thereby uniting the entire island and creating a beautiful landscape. Now, citizens will experience for themselves the beautiful scenery of nature, which changes every moment according to the water level of the Hangang River and the seasonal changes. The various links planned along the ground level allow you to explore every part of Nodeulseom. The carefully planned facilities and programs will transform Nodeulseom into a center of the arts.   This work was highly praised for making the most of Nodeulseom's intrinsic location and preserving the existing architecture as much as possible, and for creating a fantastic landscape with various curves using stainless steel curved metal. It was also praised for making the columns pinpoint, enabling eco-friendly and sustainable construction and allowing construction to be carried out with minimal interference.     Tom Main, the chairman of the jury, said, “This Nodeulseom International Competition is a very interesting large-scale project. We had to think about new ideas for boundaries, how to create an icon for the city, and the relationship between architecture and landscape.” He also said, “We also focused on the message of Nodeulseom's ’sustainability' from a bigger frame rather than just looking at the competition itself at the global level and evaluated it as such.”   The city plans to sign a design contract with the winner in July this year and then proceed with the working basic before starting construction in February next year and completing the project by 2027. Images by MIR & Heatherwick Studio   International Design Competition for Nodeul Global Art Island   【Competition Overview】 · Site location of the site : 445, 446 Yangnyeong-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (Nodeulseom) · Site area: 119,854㎡ (Upper part: 60,078㎡ / Lower part: 50,036㎡) · Design Scope: Expansion 【Design overview】 · Building area: 10,617.47㎡  · Gross area: 11,406.96㎡ · Building coverage: 20.15% · Floor area ratio: 21.65% · Size: 4 floors above ground, maximum height: 43m · Consortium: HEATHERWICK STUDIO 【Participants】 Kyounam Jin, Heekyung Choi, Junseo Son, Eulyoung Moon, Billy Tan,  Kangin Choi, Youngchan Kang, Junyoung Choi, Wonjun Woo, Youngdo Kim,  Hwasoo Park, Jaehyuk Choi, Hongil Noh, Hanna Lee, Hajung Shin,  Sunghee Lee, Jiyoung Kim
[기사] 간삼건축, ‘2024 공간디자인페어’에서 「제 1회 간삼 디자인 인사이트 포럼(GDIF)」 개최
[Article] Gansam Co.,Ltd holds 「The 1st Gansam Design Insight Forum (GDIF) 」 at '2024 Space Design Fair'
  Gansam Co.,Ltd. will hold the 「1st Gansam Design Insight Forum (GDIF) 」 at the ‘2024 Space Design Fair’ from Wednesday, July 31 to Saturday, August 3 at COEX.    The day-long forum, which will take place on Wednesday, July 31, is themed ‘Weaving Wellness & Hospitality,’ and is based on the premise that wellness's focus on healthy living and hospitality's power to heal are fundamentally complementary.    The event will kick off with a keynote address from ▲ global developer ▲ architecture ▲ interiors ▲ landscape ▲ media content, followed by a panel discussion on the scalability of the 'wellness & hospitality' industry.   The forum will provide attendees with insights into how hotels, resorts, spas and other spaces can create differentiated wellness experiences, and how spaces should be shaped and evolve.   "We planned this forum to bring about new changes in architectural design by creating a place for communication and exchange between different industries," said Gansam Co.,Ltd. "We will keep trying to select areas that society is paying attention to and create a place for dialogues related to the insights that the times require."   More information about the forum can be found on the forum's official social media, and tickets for the forum will be available for purchase in early June on the Space Design Fair's official website.   ■ Related articles - Maeil Business: Gansam Co.,Ltd to Hold 2024 Gansam Design Insight Forum (GDIF) / 11.06.2024 - Korea Joongang Daily: Gansam Co.,Ltd 'Gansam Design Insight Forum' to be held at COEX on 31st / 05.07.2024   The 1st Gansam Design Insights Forum (GDIF)Weaving Wellness & Hospitality - When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 from 12:30 to 17:10   GDIF Official InstagramSpace Design Fair Site
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